Monday, December 10, 2007

Long Waited Script is Out For Public.

Suspense over! Here your are, the script...

Here I am making my script public for educational purpose only, please don't use it for driving money from AdSense or other unethical purposes.

You can download the script I wrote from and below are the steps to execute it,

1). Open mxproxy.php, you will see

Now change the pub-8963995922591449 from the latest opened account.

2). Open summer.html and update Frame source
SRC="" NAME="mgoos_joke_frame1"> to
any hyper link of youtube video of your interest (you think people will
like that).

3). Change the title of the summer.html page to appropriate one.

4). Request for 4-5 (or more) big and highly active groups on Yahoo or MSN
or Google.

5). Upload all three files to php enabled web server, make sure libcurl is installed there. Libcurl is client URL library which I am using in mxproxy.php to execute/generate ad unit html page.

6). Send a mail to all those groups (in which you are member) by saying something like, "Worth watching the Indian version of [Summer of 69'], made in Manipal."

(This is something called Social Engineering, how can you attract some one to visit the link).

7). Now wait, as people will open the hyper link above, you will start watching money meter in AdSense.

What you need to take care is prepare different content of mail daily and send mails to different number of groups. If you will send mails to same groups daily, there will be repetition of IP address.

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